With a membership of more than 31,000 school counseling professionals, ASCA focuses on providing professional development, enhancing school counseling programs and researching effective school counseling practices. ASCA is the school counseling division of the American Counseling Association.
ASCA's Vision
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) is the foundation that expands the image and influence of professional school counselors through advocacy, leadership, collaboration and systemic change. ASCA empowers professional school counselors with the knowledge, skills, linkages and resources to promote student success in the school, the home, the community and the world.
ASCA's Mission
The mission of ASCA is to represent professional school counselors and to promote professionalism and ethical practices.
ASCA's Goals and ObjectivesProfessional development opportunities in areas of critical need are made available to all professional school counselors.
Timely, relevant information exists to enhance professional school counselors' level of skill and professionalism.
Legislative policy exists that supports professional school counselors and child advocacy.
ASCA initiates and supports relevant research and evaluation in school counseling.
Professional and ethical standards articulate the code of conduct and professional behavior for professional school counselors.
Strategic partnerships with stakeholders exist to benefit professional school counselors and their students.
Leaders at local, state and national levels champion and lead change initiatives.
ASCA maintains an organizational structure and administrative functions that facilitate the accomplishment of the goals and objectives
Legislative policy exists that supports professional school counselors and child advocacy.
ASCA initiates and supports relevant research and evaluation in school counseling.
Professional and ethical standards articulate the code of conduct and professional behavior for professional school counselors.
Strategic partnerships with stakeholders exist to benefit professional school counselors and their students.
Leaders at local, state and national levels champion and lead change initiatives.
ASCA maintains an organizational structure and administrative functions that facilitate the accomplishment of the goals and objectives
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